Pleo is the number one smart way to automate your finances. In the world where every financial transaction needs to be done at the speed of light, you might find it difficult to keep up with your expenses and account details, but with Pleo, you have the right tool that gives you the time and freedom to concentrate on other things. Pleo is a cooperate spending solution, it gives you total control on your expenses, and helps create an easy, accessible account detail that will make you go paperless.
What are the features of the Pleo?
Payment cards: Pleo offers you the opportunity to create a virtual of plastic paper cards for all employees, which means all your employees can have a payment card, and you can keep track of the expenses on Pleo.
Quick start: with your current bank details you can start using Pleo in a matter of minutes, it’s easy, fast, and user friendly.
Spending limits and rights: with Pleo, you have the opportunity to create a predefined spending limit for each employee, and also give right based the rank and offices.
Receipt matching: another benefit of Pleo is the categorization of receipt as you pay; this will help you to easily understand your account and what each payment was made for.
Real-time dashboard: with the Pleo dashboard, it becomes easy for you to understand and track the records of expenses by your staff in real-time.
Software Integration: you can easily integrate your Pleo account with your accounting software; this will help reduce errors and repetitions.
Quick and free top-ups: you can easily load your Pleo wallets and cards without incurring any fees.
Fraud detection: using Pleo, gives you the edge over any fraudulent transactions, as our platform can easily detect any malicious transaction or Fraud.
Quality customer support: Pleo customer support team are absolute professionals, they will attend to customers on time and give them all the support they need to ease their use of the platform.
Pleo pricing
Pleo has different pricing and packages, suitable for everyone to start using it.
The Essential package: this package contains everything you need to start using Pleo, with 6GBP per month, you can add up to 5 users per month, get plastic and virtual cards for you and your team, capture your merchants, category, and amount, you will also be able to get your receipt from your mailbox, get a real-time overview, you will also get all the support you need from the support team.
Pro package: the pro package is made to suit your business growths, as your team grows you need more to manage your team, the pro package gives you enhanced product flexibility, branding, and detailed insight. For 10GBP per month, you will get all the benefits of the essential package, plus more insights and you get notified for overboard expenses, powerful team insight, and analytics, and you can grant access to an external bookkeeper to manage and export expenses.
The Premium package: this package is perfect for enterprises and large teams; it makes you a VIP user. On this package you will get all the benefits of the Pro package plus more, this includes a dedicated account manager, onsite training of your team, end to end serviced VAT recovery, business travel insurance at an extra charge.
Why choose Pleo?
It saves time and money: Pleo helps you save time supposed to be spent on calculations and tracking expenses so you could focus on other important tasks.
Happier and productive employees: there is no need for your employees to spend their funds on company purchases, with pleo your employee has the card and access needed to purchase anything needed, and employees can as well feel entrusted by having such access.
Complete insight: It gives you a complete analysis of the finances of your employees, the alley the fear and pressure of keeping up with the account books and expenses in your place of work.
It is a top Fin-tech solution for all businesses looking to create an automated expense system and a founder who is looking to easily capture the expenses of the business and employees to make account balancing easier and comfortable for his employees.