Tired of dealing with the lengthy and time-consuming process in the bank to open a joint account? Well not anymore! Because at Monzo, you can easily open a joint account with your fingertips. As neobanks came as a revolution in online banking, Monzo decides to serve UK customers with a service which save them time and cost. In some trends, joint accounts are supposedly cliche but still many people have them due to the perks it proposes. And in the same range, Monzo is offering the benefits as follows.
Easy & quick to sign up to get an account with Monzo
To open up a joint account in a traditional bank, one would need to visit the branch. The process would require a wait till a meeting call, further carried out with the documentation and submission of various forms. But with Monzo, all you need to do is to signup with your mobile or laptop and your joint account is opened in just a couple of minutes.
A separate joint account card with Monzo
For every joint account holder, Monzo issues a separate card for the same account. It is to serve ease for our UK customers. Now to withdraw cash, an account owner is no more dependent on the co-partner. Two people at the same time can withdraw money from different places. Plus both cards will be holding different identities. It would help to avoid confusion that who used the card, also transaction tracking would be easier with it.
Track your transactions with Monzo
With Monzo’s mobile app, tracking of the transactions is easy. We keep all the data about who, when and for what. It is for the safety and security of the money our customers handover to us. You will receive a notification right when a transaction is made on your account by any of the account partners. Which will include the detail of the amount debited and credited, details of the card from which a transaction took place, date and time of the transaction, etc.
Maintain your budget with Monzo
Monzo joint account is the best option to make a budget for joint bills and mortgage. All you need to do is to set up a budget for your groceries, utility bills, loans, shopping and for other expenses. When you are getting to exceed the limit and expending too much on things which are unnecessary, you will quickly receive a notification this way you regulate your expenses and practice savings.